All the vineyard is cultivated according to organic agriculture specifications.
see my ecocert certificationBiodynamic agriculture
My love story with biodynamic viticulture began in 2008 when I met a passionate winemaker. I was so impressed by the quality of his wines that it triggered my interest, first as a consumer, in biodynamic wines and then in natural wines.
Biodynamic viticulture is much more than a simple method of cultivation: it's a philosophy of life that has repercussions at every level of production. It's a global approach that takes into account the entire viticultural ecosystem, from sky to earth, from vine to man. It's an ongoing quest for expressive, authentic wines that best reveal the terroirs from which they come. It's also a commitment to preserving biodiversity and revitalizing soil life.
voir ma certification demeter
My love story with biodynamic viticulture began in 2008 when I met a passionate winemaker. I was so impressed by the quality of his wines that it triggered my interest, first as a consumer, in biodynamic wines and then in natural wines.
La biodynamie c'est bien plus qu'une simple méthode de culture : c'est une philosophie de vie qui se répercute à tous les niveaux de la production. C'est une démarche globale qui prend en compte l'ensemble de l'écosystème viticole, du ciel à la terre, de la vigne à l'homme. Cela permet d'obtenir des vins plus expressifs, plus authentiques, révélant véritablement le terroir dont ils sont issus. Et cela contribue aussi à préserver la biodiversité, à protéger les sols et à s'adapter au changement climatique.
voir ma certification demeterA holistic vision
I work to preserve the natural characteristics of the grapes as much as possible, and to minimize intervention in the making of my wines.

Manual harvesting
In small-volume crates to preserve the integrity of the grapes until they reach the cellar.

Use of a pneumatic press
For gentle aromatic extractions.

Containers adapted to each cuvée
Vinification and ageing in concrete eggs, stoneware eggs, "dames-jeannes", stainless steel vats and wooden barrels.

Vinification and ageing
By limiting intervention as much as possible, and with little or no inputs.
I am committed to a low-carbon approach in all my activities and to promoting sustainable agriculture:
- Partnership with Alpes Consignes to organize the reuse of our bottles, and thus become part of a zero-waste approach. We are collection points at the winery for wine bottles bearing the reuse label.
- Preferential use of electric bicycle for work and travel in the plots (with trailer if necessary).
Utilisation d'une débroussailleuse électrique pour l’entretien de la vigne et des abords. - Limiting tillage and the use of mechanical equipment.
- Involvement in associations for good drinking: member of Petavins, of ADABIO, …


Agroforestry is an integral part of my approach to adapting the vines to today's climate and of my ecological awareness. Along with other Chignin winegrowers, we have embarked on a program of planting trees, hedges and biological corridors to help create microclimates, protect the vines from climatic variations, improve soil life and create the habitats necessary for biodiversity.